Friday, April 21, 2006

God answers prayers!!!!

Although this statement is nothing new to us, it still floors us to see how He answers our prayers. Last week Danny and I were asking you all to pray for us, for wisdom in decision making etc...Well, God has shown us pretty clearly that somehow He is going to take us to the Czech Republic in August, He has lead us to put a deposit on this house (and He lead the landlord to charge us a little more than half of what he originally said for the deposit WOOHOO!!!), He is leading us to put our house on the market in May...we feel really at peace with all these decisions that a week ago were making us crazy...THANK YOU, GOD, FOR BEING SO FAITHFUL!!!!

We are excited for this particular house as it was our favorite, and this was the one where we were all able to share Christ with the landlord and realtor. What a neat opportunity to be able to continue to shine Christ to this landlord. Please continue to pray for them as we are, hoping that the Holy Spirit is softening their hearts towards God.

Over the next few weeks, we are doing presentations at churches in Watsonville and Manteca. We have several more appointments with people and some of our Czech Night dinners. We are hoping that God uses these times of sharing for His glory, to really speak to people and challenge them in their own walk with Him. Please pray too, that He would lead some to support us in prayer and financially.


  1. beautiful house Krista and Danny! I am happy that you are feeling at peace with all of you huge decisions!

  2. I love the fact that the landlord changed his deposit price!! I can't wait to hear of other changes concerning his life due to your efforts. WoooHooo is right.

    Praying for you. See you in May.

    Love ya

  3. Dude, houses are awesome. I'm so excited for you guys! Great job finding this one, er following God to it.

  4. Good to hear that things are progressing. Many blessings from a bright spring day in the Czech Republic!
