FAQ: "Are the kids excited to go to the Czech Republic?"
People ask us this question all the time. I am glad that they ask, because it gives us an opportunity to share about God's plan for all of us.
Rebekah (8) and Roxie (5) have been in on this whole deal for two years now. So for the most part, it is just a fact of life to them. I wouldn't make a blanket statement about their excitement...they are excited about some aspects, and (particularly for the older one) not too excited about others. They are both eager to see so much snow and learn to ice skate and ski...they want to get a pet when we get there (we are not above bribery). They both have an understanding that as we have had the opportunity to say "Yes" to Christ, there are others who have not had that opportunity, so we must go and share Christ with them. I know that they are not excited to have no friends at first...but I am very thankful that they have a close relationship with each other. They will miss their friends and grandparents alot...we won't feel the full sting of that til we are over there.
One thing that Danny and I cling to is that God is calling our family to the Czech Republic...the kids are not an afterthought...God has a plan and a purpose for them in CZ. We pray for them daily that God will gently mold their hearts to desire his will, and that he is preparing friends and teachers for them in CZ...please pray for Rebekah and Roxie, too.
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