God's heart is for the whole world
A Week in Mozambique...
This is an excerpt from the journal of a Canadian
OMer who spent a week in remote areas of this
African nation, traveling with the leader of OM's work
"Day 2... I know we are nearing a church when we
encounter a long line of people singing and dancing
while still about half a mile away...If you walked for
half a day, barefoot under the sun with an infant on
oyur back and others in tow, an hour's church service
won't cut it. Four hours is more like it...Day 4...the
road essentially disappears under water...Day 5...It's
another God moment as I start to speak...groups of
men get together afterward to compare "notes" of
what we taught. This they would carry back to their
villages (in their heads) and teach fro several weeks
to come...An elder spoke to us, 'We have heard of
Bible truths, but now we understand. We have heard
of other Christians elsewhere; now we have known
you. You have become a visit from God for us.' "
Read "A Week in Mozambique" at www.usa.om.org/mozambique/
Here are some links that I believe will be interested