Many of you ask how our support raising is
coming...people often assume that we are getting
paid to do this, or that our church supports us fully.
Last week I (Krista) was at a store buying underwear
and the store lady was asking all about how we make
money over in CZ. I was explaining the whole thing to
her and she handed me a pair of underwear and
said "Here's my donation to your cause."...Can you
imagine...support coming in as underwear?
Anyway...as of right now we are at 60% support
raised (plus underwear). We are so thankful to all of
you who are praying and giving!!! We know that God
has more people that He wants to join His work in the
Czech Republic. We are waiting on Him and His
I love it!!! God provides for ALL your needs :)
Here are some links that I believe will be interested