This is a picture of our friends Travis and Stacy Sharpe(and their new baby,Noah). They are volunteer Christian workers in Bosnia-Herzegovina with Operation Mobilization since 2001. Travis and I (Krista) worked together as pastoral staff for First Baptist Church (he was the youth pastor and I the childrens pastor). We have seen these two court, get married and head off to full time missions. It has been a pleasure and an honor to be their friends and to follow them on this path towards missions. I can't tell you what an encouragement and a source of wisdom they have been for us. We had the privilege of having them at our house this weekend. We spent our time catching up and grilling them on the life of a missionary in Eastern Europe...for more info on the Sharpes go to http://web.mac.com/tsharpe/
Thanks Krista for the spotlight, welcome to the company =-)