Sunday, February 22, 2009

Here we are walking along the Charles Bridge (Karlův Most) in Prague

Here we are standing around a geocache spot trying to look inconspicuous...I guess when you are geocaching you must do everything in secret so as not to alert others of your presence while rummaging through rubbish bins or investigating sewer drainage pipes. This man in the cap was also geocaching and as we were obviously looking around for the geocache he muttered to us out of the side of his mouth, "two meters to your left". We then knew we had found a comrade in arms and a helpful one at that. So we all opened the goecache together. Our new friend is from Slovakia and spoke perfect English and had already found 15 caches that day.

The view from Tom and Dawn's hotel window in Prague.

Jedeme do Prahy vlakem....
We are going to Prague by train
On our final day with Tom and Dawn we headed to Prague with them by train. They had to be in Prague that night so we decided to make a day of it so that we could spend as much time together with them as possible. The train trip was really nice...see our youtube videos for footage of how to operate a Czech train toilet

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