Well it has been a couple of years since I visited the gynecologist...I was hoping to wait till I got back to the States, but I fear I can put it off no longer. Medical care here is just not as good as it is back home and since I am so picky about my dentist and he only gets access to my mouth, you can imagine what horrors I have been envisioning in the days leading up to my gyn. appointment.
1. In my 20 odd years going to the gynecologist, I have only ever had female doctors and "here there be men".
2. Doctors here are not so particular about hygiene...i.e...wearing gloves, paper on the examining tables and so on.
3. My friend who made the appointment for me told the doctor that I am American. His response was, "Is she fat? Because I don't think she will fit on my examining table." She assured him that I was not only thin but very pretty (her words) and he smiled and said, "Well then, I am looking forward to her appointment." EWWWW!!!
So, I am completely grossed out...but I have to go anyway. I will tell you how it goes.
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