Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This dance was nigh incomprehensible. A girl and a boy dance together while suspending a ball between their foreheads. They may not touch the ball. If the ball falls they are out. They danced to a Czech version of "Staying Alive" by the BeeGees which was completely hysterical.

Here is Roxanne with her friend from school, Markéta, also known as "Sensitive Girl" as she cries alot.

Here is Rebekah with her friends from her class. From left to right: Magda, Rebekah, Šárka, and Jana.

Some of Rebekah's classmates.

Maskární Ples...Masquerade Ball
In celebration of the beginning of Lent (masopust) the children at school have a masquerade ball. While this no longer has any religious affiliation, the tradition still holds fast. So my girls dressed up and they spent the morning at school dancing and playing games.

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