Thursday, April 9, 2009

Random firing of my synapses
I really meant what I said, that our lives are in color now, but I have to tell you , although color isn't boring, sometimes it is painful and always it is challenging and often it is beyond difficult. But I don't think I would have it any other way. I really feel like what we are doing is making a difference, and I know that I am being refined in the fire. Sometimes I can feel him pulling ugly layers off of me and it HURTS!! Things are good between us as a family and I think that makes all the difference, that home is a sanctuary.Work is insane, I have no idea what I was thinking when I agreed to work with middle schoolers at a local Czech school when I couldn't speak Czech. But I see now that God set this up and it was good that I was ignorant because had I known what I was in for I would have said no...Now I see that He has toughened me up here and it has been like a boot camp of sorts and I have seen Him work through me at the school...and I know there is more to come. I have built relationships with the teachers and students and through these relationships we have seen our bible study is exciting and very overwhelming to see God move...I often feel like a bystander at some great play that he is producing. Some days it totally sucks. Like when I just can't get the Czech words out of my mouth to say what I need to say...some days I feel foreign and different, and even WEIRD. Some days my students are out of control and I hate my job and I get a migraine in the back of my eye and I have to drink wine to calm down. Some days Rebekah cries because school is difficult and I wonder if we made a mistake bringing them here. Then we pray and wake up the next morning and things are OK again. Then we have a day where we see God moving and we know we are right where we are supposed to be.

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