Sunday, June 7, 2009

Roxie má narozeniny...Roxie's birthday
Roxie turned 8 on May 25th and we celebrated by inviting everyone she knows (36 kids), obviously, we weren't going to have it at our house (I don't like kids THAT much). We went to our local park that has like a bounce house\trampoline thing, cool King Arthur type fort and playground equipment. Roxie was so excited that alot of her friends came. I had made cupcakes (an oddity here in CZ) and the ubiquitous chlebičky (open faced sandwiches to you and me). The kids had a great time bouncing and playing together and Roxie was thrilled! And my house stayed clean!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you all had a great time without the mess -- great planning.
