Saturday, May 15, 2010

spoken gratitude

1. Barats and Bereta (I love their videos)

2. Nyquil (I have been sick all week)

3.planting my seedlings in freshly turned soil

4. a full house for our Bible study

5.smelling the fragrant wildflowers in the forest

6. freshly picked lily of the valley filling a vase on my dining room table

7. using empty pickle jars as mini-greenhouses for my baby tomato plants

8. hot tea soothing a sore throat

9. my sister Misha...happy birthday...

10. Die Hard movies (I watched alot of them while I was on the couch with a fever)

1 comment:

  1. So sorry you've been sick all week but at least you had "Die Hard" to keep you company. Hope you are feeling better really soon.
