Monday, July 12, 2010

camp coyan
arts and crafts

Being my kid must be difficult
...and tiring.

Every day at Camp Coyan the campers have an hour of Game or Craft Option and choose from a bevy of arts and crafts or game choices. Of course The Counselor guides their choice based on her personal whim which is why we ended up painting their room for Craft Activity. The Counselor is also very good at putting the right spin on things: "This is a involes paint!" "Shut up and paint, campers!!!" "Only one more wall to go!". It's all in the attitude and we try to keep things positive and upbeat here at Camp Coyan. Though our craft time didn't allow for completion of the room, these lucky campers get to whip out those rollers and brushes again this week during Arts and Crafts! HOORAY!!