Wednesday, February 9, 2011

a few of my favourite things

pigtails on baby girls 

I remember my kids' first set of pigtails...I am too old a mum to have them digitally for all of you to see. But they are safely tucked away in an album and in my mind's eye I am cherishing these pictures now...sigh...
When my sister had Marcelle I begged her to paint her little baby toenails just as soon as possible. She obliged. Now I must thank Misha for making me a happy auntie and putting Marcelle in pigtails. It makes a day brighter, y'know?

1 comment:

  1. She wears them every day now. :) Her hair is too long and falls over her eyes, so I'm using pigtails while her hair grows out. The Funniest part of my day has become doing her hair as I have to chase her around the house and do it while she is playing and running around. She won't sit still yet. ;)
