in a nutshell
I didn't post a blog this weekend because we were out having many exciting adventures. Here is our weekend in a nutshell:
luxuriously sleeping in...until you are bored in bed
take Roxie on a date to the Dinosaur Expo in Budějovice...Dinosauři Bez Řetězu (Dinosaurs Unchained)
stop at a booth near the expo to get a Hamburger which turned out to be a "HAM" hamburger...a frozen spam patty deep-fried until it was still raw inside.
walk along the Vltava river and feed the ducks the bun from the "HAM" hamburger which they summarily ignore (some actually flee)
make spaghetti for dinner while watching "Cake Boss"
make a sponge cake cuz it looks so dang good on "Cake Boss"
watch a movie with the kids..."Unstoppable"
during movie look up to see a face peering in the of Danny's high school students, Andre
invite Andre and Nuri in....Andre came by to pick up his shower gel that we bought him at Makro (on our romantic date)
chit chat with Andre and Nuri...offer them sponge cake with a lemon glaze and fresh strawberries
finish the was good
eat breakfast with the girls
talk about Lent and what we will be giving up
new Roxie-ism: she wants to give up boasting for Lent, also she thought it would be simpler to write down "I will give up bloating"
go for a two hour hike in the forest and over the hills
walk innocently by a tree and get stabbed in the ear by a super sharp branch that goes all the way into my ear canal
spend several minutes writhing around on the ground moaning
get covered in leaves
walk the rest of the way with my mittened hands covering my ears to protect from further stick injuries
go grocery shopping
have a nice conversation with the meat lady at the store
have Fiana, Yarra and Kily over
do my nails
drink coffee and eat coffee cake
make dinner...mmm sweet potatoes
get ready for bed
watch Československá Superstar (their version of American Idol)
laugh at people who can't sing
kiss everyone goodnight
attack of the killer branches. Watch out! This reminded me of when you hurt your finger in your bike crash last year. =) Say hi to everyone!