Psalm 97:11-12
"Light is shed upon the righteous and joy on the upright in heart. Rejoice in the LORD, you who are righteous, and praise his holy name."
Joy robbers
Would you agree that a smile can be brought about by a fleeting moment of happiness, happenstance and circumstance colliding and birthing something desirable? But a smile that lasts all day, regardless of situation, good or bad, is a symptom of a joyful heart.
When I am joyless smileless husk walking about accomplishing tasks, I must think "Wha' Happened?" (gratuitous "A Mighty Wind" reference). What has robbed me of my joy? Bearing in mind that the door was not only opened for the robber, but he was asked to sit down and given lemonade and cookies before leaving with my joy. MY JOY. Given to me by My God.
I have sought out over the last couple of weeks to where my joy has gone. And to what. What habits have I formed that have taken my eyes off God and put them on myself or my situation? To what am I bowing down now and calling "lord" instead of my Father who reigns in heaven?
Ask around
My daughters know me best. They see the things I do and compare them to the words I say. They are witness to the hypocrisy and they have no qualms about telling me where I am blowing it. So, bravely, I asked them where I have gone astray. They are not very diplomatic. I think we need to work on that.
I prayed that God would show me where there is sin in my life, where I have enthroned something else as my lord. He is showing me. A touch more gently than my offspring, thankyouverymuch.
The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief.
~William Shakespeare, Othello
I just read all this series of "finding my smile" backwards chronologically and teared up and loved it. I wish it could be published as a book to keep by my bedside (with ALL the cute photos intact!) and read it at least once a week! I don't think I'm joyless, but I could often use a lot of your great reminders. You are an awesome writer and I always get so much out of this blog that I don't know why I can't remember to read it except when Dan sends out his emails. Well, NOW I've made "Krista's Blog" a bookmark right up there on my Safari toolbar along with Facebook and my work email and Google Maps and my bank website! Hopefully I'll remember NOW! Love you Krista. Thanks for being such a blessing even if you're on the other side of the world. Ain't technology grand?! <3