Wednesday, July 13, 2011

a few of my favourite things

ladies' night

I invited every woman I know to my house last Monday night for a "Ladies' Night". I lured them in with promises of child-free chit chat and delectable goodies hand-baked and graciously served to us by Dan. I plan to have these Ladies' Nights every week this summer and then once a month during the year. Sooo many women turned up. I was nervous about mixing my friends (you buddies, neighbours, bible study members) but it worked out great! There was much laughter and conversation. We went around and answered all sorts of icebreaker questions and Dan served us drinks and a special cake (Herren Tort) he made just for the occasion. All of the ladies satyed for over three hours and really seemed to enjoy themselves. I think this is a need here, to have time away to just hang out with friends. The added bonus of seeing a man serve women is counter-cultural and much appreciated! Our next "Ladies' Night" will be a cooking class where Dan will teach us how to make different kinds of cookies and we will get to chit chat some more while they bake. I am already looking forward to it.

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