christmas traditions
It is a new tradition for us to get a turkey on Christmas. We started last year by purchasing a freshly butchered turkey complete with all its bits still attached, bloody and gross in a plastic bag.
This year, for some unexplained reason, we ordered a turkey again. On our way home from the shop yesterday, with the largest turkey known to man, who was walking around a nice field a few hours before, whose head is still on, who is bleeding all over our trunk, we discussed whose idea it was to get the bird this year.
I thought Danny wanted it, Danny thought I did.
No one does.
Danny must fight with it today to get it to fit in the oven, which means breaking alot of its bones. Gross.
And figuring how to remove its unwanted body parts. EWWW.
The ladies at the shop roared with laughter at us because our turkey is so big. They thought we were crazy. We are. Our oven is tiny and this bird is just barely dead. We named it Timmy. It could've used a seat belt in the car it is so big.
I hope it turned out like this photo! ;) Is this a tradition you will continue or did it not live up to expectations?