february 14
outside my window...snow falling and landing in crystalline dunes covering all that the eye can see. Nice...
I am listening to...the snickety snack of Roxie's Vorpal scissors as she creates something of wonder in her room as well as the soft clickety clack of Rebekah;s slender fingers upon her keyboard...
I am wearing...I don't know yet. Normally, I iron my clothes for the week on Saturday. I prepare seven outfits including accessories. However, this weekend I was too lazy, so this morning I have no idea what I will wear and I must pick it out and iron it in time to get to work.
I am grateful for...my husband, my valentine.
I am pondering..."Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words." St Francis of Assisi
I am reading ...The Essential Talmud by Adin Steinsaltz
I am thinking...about a box of chocolates for Valentine's Day. It's the only thing I want. Maybe cuz I just drank juice for the last 3 days.
I am creating...a Valentine's Day celebration today in my Kindergarten classroom. We are making mailboxes, valentines for everyone, the ubiquitous lacy valentine to hang on the walls, and decorating heart-shaped sugar cookies.
I am learning...German from a German student at our school. Tomorrow I have a French lesson and a German lesson.
One of my favourite things...a great dentist. MUDr Jakub Fousek (affectionately known by us as "The Miz") is a young guy who has a very modern office with all the latest bells and whistles. He is up to date on new technology, speaks English and is really kind and gentle, especially with the girls. In March he will be pulling out two of Rebekah's teeth to prepare her for getting braces and Rebekah is glad thet "The Miz" is doing the surgery.
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