Saturday, January 3, 2009

Here I am iceskating on a lake next to our house...see resolution #2

My New Year's Resolutions for 2009

  1. Daily Bible reading...I am using a program called Powered by 4 (I need a renewing of my mind...I get so caught up in work, tasks and daily life that I need to refocus on what is truly important, God and His plan and will)

  2. Exercise 4-5 times a week (I have let myself completely go...I am weak and mushy. It is gross. I have focused so much of the last year and a half on surviving life, now that I feel that I am myself again I need to take care of the body that God has given me so that I might serve Him for as long as possible with strength and vigor)

  3. Eat healthier and very little sugar and sweets (I am teaching my children bad habits, and destroying my body. When we first got here I felt entitled to treats as we had made such a huge was like self comforting, or self medicating...I don't feel is all the sugar, white bread and a serious lack of fruits and vegetables. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that I have scurvy!!)

  4. Read to my kids each night...(I find that with my schedule I don't have much quiet, uninterrupted time with my kids. During the holidays we spent most every evening reading, singing and praying together...these quiet times together really became imprtant to us. So, I want to continue this.)

  5. Eat together at the table and talk...(we are in a seriously bad habit of watching a show while we eat or even reading at the table and not talking. To be honest, I am usually so tired that I don't want to talk to anyone...but I feel in my gut that this scenario is wrong and that my girls are reaching the ages where soon they won't want to talk to me at all...I want to dig deeply the roots of our relationship and I think this will help.)
I will keep you posted as to how these resolutions are going...want to join me in one or all me at

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