Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Resolutions Update #1

  1. Daily Bible reading: Every evening before bed I am reading passages of Scripture from The Message which is a translation that makes it feel less like Bible study and more like reading a letter from your friend. As I am praying for a renewing of my mind I am finding that I am going to bed with God in my thoughts and waking up with God in my thoughts. This is how I want to live.
  2. Exercise 4-5 times a week : Everyday this past week we have gone iceskating for a couple of hours...yesterday the lakes were a bit sketchy (come to find out that the Czech Government has issued a warning not to skate right now as there have been many drownings this week) so we shoveled snow at our house and also our neighbors for an hour and then went for a alt in the forest and sledding for another hour. So I am doing OK .
  3. Eat healthier and very little sugar and sweets : Not yet as I still have an abundance of Christmas cookies in our house. My friend and I are starting Thursday I think.
  4. Read to my kids each night: Right now we are reading Roald Dahl's "BFG" and the kids are really enjoying it. It is a time for us to get calmed down before bed and cuddle. I love it.
  5. Eat together at the table and talk: This is making a big difference. We set the table, light candles and TALK...actually converse. I think this is going to be my favorite new habit. I am concerned, though, about next week as I start teaching students in the evenings...we will see if I can still make it work..

Thanks for listening...and please contact me if you want to join me in making New Year's resolutions stick!! czkrista@yahoo.com

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