Friday, November 11, 2011

spoken gratitude

spoken gratitude

841. "My troubles turned out all for the best—
      they forced me to learn from your textbook.
   Truth from your mouth means more to me
      than striking it rich in a gold mine."

Psalm 119:73

842. Thanking God even in my troubles

843. Talking about God with Rebekah

844. Dan's sermon on Sunday reminding me how precious and finite our time here is

845. Feeling relaxed

846. An unexpected free afternoon on my typically longest day of work

847. My friendship with Martina

848. Saying sorry

849. Trying to find solutions to problems together as a couple

850. Primary school book order forms and the promise of fun books coming in the mail...this brings back so many memories of being a kid and getting those Scolastic book order forms...

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