Friday, November 11, 2011

a few of my favourite things

scholars mesmerized by their study of the rosetta stone through which they hope to finally understand teenage girls
the rosetta stone...for rebekah

The Rosetta Stone is a fragment of a stela, a free-standing stone inscribed with Egyptian records.  It features three columns of inscriptions, each relaying the same message but in three different languages: Greek, hieroglyphics and Demotic (looks to be the precursor to arabic script). Scholars used the Greek and Demotic inscriptions to make sense of the hieroglyphic alphabet. By using the Rosetta Stone as a translation device, scholars revealed more than1,400 years of ancient Egyptian secrets.

Rebekah officially blew it a week or so ago. In a moment of weakness, she revealed the code behind her cryptic behaviour in effect delivering to me her personal rosetta stone. She admitted that she can judge if I am wavering on a decision or in a moment of distraction or weakness just by how I say "yes" or "no" to a particular question or request. Using this information, she then begins a carefully planned and rehearesed schedule of cajoling, manipulation, begging and whining guaranteed to wear down the most hardened to a soft quivering nub, thus garnering the desired answer or result. After much study of this specific rosetta stone, I have concluded that the amount of manipulation is inversely proportionate to the amount of conviction behind said "yes" or "no". 

Here it is in the form of an equation:
M=manipulation, C= conviction
M α 1/C(y or n)

I have used this information to my great advantage this week.

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