- English
- Bring a torch, Jeanette, Isabelle!
- Bring a torch, to the stable run
- Christ is born. Tell the folk of the village
- Jesus is born and Mary's calling.
- Ah! Ah! beautiful is the Mother!
- Ah! Ah! beautiful is her child
- Who is that, knocking on the door?
- Who is it, knocking like that?
- Open up, we've arranged on a platter
- Lovely cakes that we have brought here
- Knock! Knock! Knock! Open the door for us!
- Knock! Knock! Knock! Let's celebrate!
- It is wrong when the child is sleeping,
- It is wrong to talk so loud.
- Silence, now as you gather around,
- Lest your noise should waken Jesus.
- Hush! Hush! see how he slumbers;
- Hush! Hush! see how fast he sleeps!
- Softly now unto the stable,
- Softly for a moment come!
- Look and see how charming is Jesus,
- Look at him there, His cheeks are rosy!
- Hush! Hush! see how the Child is sleeping;
- Hush! Hush! see how he smiles in dreams!
- French
- Un flambeau, Jeanette, Isabelle --
- Un flambeau! Courons au berceau!
- C'est Jésus, bonnes gens du hameau.
- Le Christ est né; Marie appelle!
- Ah! Ah! Ah! Que la Mère est belle,
- Ah! Ah! Ah! Que l'Enfant est beau!
- Qui vient la, frappant de la porte?
- Qui vient la, en frappant comme ça?
- Ouvrez-donc, j'ai pose sur un plat
- Des bons gateaux, qu'ici j'apporte
- Toc! Toc! Toc! Ouvrons-nous la porte!
- Toc! Toc! Toc! Faisons grand gala!
- C'est un tort, quand l'Enfant sommeille,
- C'est un tort de crier si fort.
- Taisez-vous, l'un et l'autre, d'abord!
- Au moindre bruit, Jésus s'éveille.
- Chut! chut! chut! Il dort à merveille,
- Chut! chut! chut! Voyez comme il dort!
- Doucement, dans l'étable close,
- Doucement, venez un moment!
- Approchez! Que Jésus est charmant!
- Comme il est blanc! Comme il est rose!
- Do! Do! Do! Que l'Enfant repose!
- Do! Do! Do! Qu'il rit en dormant!
I grew up singing the French version of this. Papa taught it to me.