Monday, January 9, 2012



I have been blogging almost daily for two years now and I ran out of steam at the end of 2011. I simply ran out of ideas, inspiration and energy. Taking a break from blogging after Christmas, I re-evaluated my blog and its contents and importance. Awaking every day at 5:30 to write and often sitting in front of the computer in a sleepy haze trying to type with fingers that feel ten times too big makes one wonder if it is all worth it. There have been seasons during my last 6 years blogging that I have been on a roll, so inspired by my topic or idea that I couldn't wait to get up in the morning to continue typing. (see "wisdom" series September 2010 or "hospital" September 2011)

But as of late I have felt like I was forcing it. The ideas weren't coming, the task a burden and the life documented  a tad boring.

Then I take a look at my blog posts from a few years ago and immediately I am hurtled through time and space to relive a day or week or month and I am thankful for these posts. I am grateful for every early morning spent fingers clacking away on keyboard keys, coffee my companion.

The last few days ideas have been coming to me again and I am hastily writing them down for future blog posts. I have dusted off the infrequently used camera to take more intimate personal pictures of our actual life here instead of pasting pictures found on random google searches. A new spiritual series is forming itself and has almost gelled in the labyrinth of folds comprising my brain. This much said, I am not ready to let my blog go. I feel there is a purpose to it, if nothing else as a reminder that each day holds meaning. There is no room for empty space, each moment is dear.

As I head off to get ready for work in a few minutes, after a three week break, I am ready to begin again, work, blog, new habits. Refreshed and inspired...


  1. Krista, I'm sure I'm not alone among your blog readers in feeling that what you write is SO important and inspiring. Your link is on my main bookmark bar so that I check it every few days. I'm so glad you feel like continuing.

    As someone who loves you and your family, it is wonderful to be able to have such a clear window into what God is doing in/through you all the way across the globe.

    Your thoughts and words have helped me in so many ways to focus on things I forget, change my attitude, feel the love of our Father shared in silly small ways or in epiphanic giant ways.

    THANK YOU for making yourself do this. I think it will be a huge legacy for your children, too.
