Thursday, January 26, 2012

a few of my favourite things


Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. 
Isaiah 1:17

Sofía has a birthday close to mine. A December baby. Just look at her smile. Warm and friendly. When we were looking through the myriad of pictures of children who needed sponsors, we kept coming back to Sofía. She looks like she would be a sweet friend. She reminds me a little of Roxie. We all fell in love. She lives with her step-mum, no daddy to speak of. She helps run errands and loves art and drawing. She is eight years old and attends the 3rd grade in San Pedro Atzompa, Mexico.We specifically chose Mexico knowing that it if we were ever able to visit our child it would be more possible to go to Mexico than Africa. Christmas Day we gave a gift back to God in the form of child sponsorship through Compassion International.

 Religious service which is pure and stainless in the sight of our God and Father is to visit fatherless children and widowed women in their time of trouble, and to keep one's own self unspotted from the world. 
James 1:27

Daily we pray for Sofía that she would grow healthy and strong, that she would be loved, make friends, do well in school and, most of all, know God and His love for her. The girls have written letters to her and we are planning a small care package to send. God has given us so much, we are full to bursting. We want to give to others and share the bounty.


  1. It is a blessing that Compassion International will allow you to send Sofia a gift box just for her. When we tried to send a box to Jolito they wouldn't allow it and gave the items to whoever they thought needed them. Sad.

  2. How interesting. Sofia was my mother's middle name. (R&R's great-grandmother.) Another endorsement from God of your correct choice. God bless you four real good is my prayer. You are never forgotten on this "side of the pond". I love all of you. Opa
