Monday, January 30, 2012

spoken gratitude

spoken gratitude

This is my dad. He is smiling in this picture, something he rarely does in pictures, because he just finished his last radiation treatment for a really rare type of throat cancer. At his oncology department they have a bell that one rings after finishing treatments. He looks super happy. Held in his hand is the custom mesh mask that he wore during his radiation treatments where he was, in effect, bolted into the mask.

I don't speak with my dad nearly often enough, but when I do it feels that no time has past. I see a lot of myself in him. I got his hands and feet, his cleft chin, his propensity to want to be alone with a good book, his love for "holding court", the ability to go into "emergency mode" and handle any crisis and remain calm, and an annoying habit of always having to list out, in gruesome detail, the plans for the day to anyone within earshot. (Dan thanks you personally for that one, Dad)

In a few weeks thay will take a look to see how they did, those doctors. Like a report card, they are hoping to get an "A". 

We thought you might lose your voice, have that line of communication cut away. I was glad to hear your voice last night, Dad. I am glad to be your girl. I love you.


  1. Didn't know he had decided to do radiation but happy for him that it is over. Praying for a good report for him.

  2. Wish this was Facebook. I think I'd just go along "liking" every single thing you post, tho. :) Glad you're in touch with your dad at this difficult time for him. You're probably the best thing for him, at least from what I know of you. Funny that you can see which parts of yourself came from him--I do the same and I think that becomes a lot clearer to us as we get "older."
